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GlyCORE Imaging Core
The University of Mississippi

Zeiss Axio Imager

Axio Imager M1 is designed as your platform for an impressive amount of applications in cell biology, neuroscience, molecular genetics and pathology. The motorized reflector turret accommodates either six or ten Push & Click filter modules. Auto-configure all motorized components with Smart Setup of the ZEN imaging software.

Acquire fluorescence images with an excellent signal-to-noise ratio. The fluorescence beam path and high efficiency fluorescence filter sets of this research microscope deliver exposure times that are up to 50 percent shorter.

Use your motorized Axio Imager 2 with equipment tailored precisely to your needs – and upgrade your system easily at any time.

The smart automated contrast settings let you work quickly and efficiently. The motorized aperture and luminous field diaphragm and light intensity are automatically adjusted. Achieve reproducible results and control all components via optional TFT monitor.